Saturday 5 March 2011

5 Smartest Computers of the World!

Supercomputers are super achievers with the most extraordinary performances at any given time.
Supercomputers are used for highly calculation-intensive tasks such as problems involving quantum physics, weather forecasting, climate research, molecular modeling and physical simulations.

Today's supercomputers eventually turn into tomorrow's ordinary computers. Work is on to build the fastest supercomputer by 2018.

1.IBM Deep Blue:

The fastest computer to ever play chess is the IBM Deep Blue which was created in the year 1997.
The machine beat world champion Garry Kasparov when it won a six-game match on May 11, 1997.
The event was captured live only on the website, where millions of chess and computing fans tuned in to witness the event in real-time.

2.Stratus and Cirrus(backup):

The world's best supercomputers, Stratus and Cirrus are used by the US National Weather Service for the most accurate weather forecast.It has upgraded the supercomputer to develop weather forecast models, a system so critical to meteorologists that the government has bought a second, identical system as a backup.Stratus has a speed of up to to 0.07 petaflops.

3.The Connection Machine:

The Connection Machine was originally intended for applications in artificial intelligence and symbolic processing, but later versions found greater success in the field of computational science.
The CM-5 in the film is one of only two built by the Thinking Machine Company -- one is at Los Alamos and the other, in the movie, was sold to the NSA.This computer can achieve 65.5 gigaflops of computations per second. The Connection Machine was originally intended for applications in artificial intelligence and symbolic processing, but later versions found greater success in the field of computational science.


The world's fifth fastest supercomputer, Hopper was named after Admiral Grace Hopper, a pioneer in software and programming languages.The Hopper runs at 1.05 petaflops (trillion operations) per second and works on energy research.

5.Tsubame 2.0:

The Tokyo Institute of Technology announced that their Tsubame 2.0 machine will begin operation this fall.
Tsubame 2.0 is built to hit the 2.4 petaflop level using mixed technologies from Intel, HP, NVIDIA and contracting from NEC. Japan's Tsubame 2.0 is the fourth fastest supercomputer in the world and the fastest in Japan.The computer can calculate 2,400 trillion times per second, or 12 times faster than a supercomputer at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency.


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