Thursday 24 May 2012

The reason for rise in Petrol price

There are many influences that affect the pricing of petrol. Because of the cost of crude oil and refined products in the international market. And also because of this crude oil sell in US$ as a commodity to the international market, rise and fall in the US$ rate may in-turn change the petrol cost in the international market.
Normally crude oil in the international market is influenced by some factors like global demand and supply, political events and manufacturing capability.

Competition in particular market, transportation costs is the two main reasons why there are differences in petrol price between countries.

India is spending more money in delivering the fuel to various locations and that's why cost is considerably higher than many other countries. 

One of the reasons found that the Government's pricing policy and absence compensation to oil companies for selling kerosene and cooking gas below cost has hurt oil making companies, in-turn forced to increase the pricing of fuel.

The petrol pricing are not only governed by the international crude pricing, the contribution made by Center and States in terms of taxes levied onto the petroleum is also a major factor. If the Center and State start relieving some of the taxes, or at least reduce the amount of taxes, the prices may come down. 

The second major contributing factor in increase of the petrol pricing is because of government providing subsidy onto the diesel and gas. The petroleum companies are reducing their burden of subsidy by increasing the price of petrol despite reducing price of crude oil in international market.

Now, before the level of petrol gets too high, it's better to start planning the wealth in such a manner that it does not prove to be harmful when you next time go at the petrol pump. Karvy Private Wealth helps in such conditions and  assures you make optimum use of your capital.

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