Thursday 24 June 2010

Take Care of your Home this Monsoon

As a practice, any major renovation work at home should be done either before the monsoon or after. However, if you have haven’t bothered to rescue that leaking roof or wall, you can still exercise some damage control during the course of the monsoons. We bring you some practical tips to quick fix the problems that monsoon season can cause.
For your wooden cupboards, desk drawers

* Put camphor in your cupboards; it takes away the moisture and protects your clothes.
* Put neem leaves in your cupboards. These are effective against silver fish, a common problem in the rainy season
* Sprinkle a few cloves among your clothes to keep away insects like silver fish etc.

For your wooden flooring

Make sure they are free from moisture and properly Waxed (polished). This is required since the moisture content in hardwood floors tends to make them warp.
For Carpets and Rugs

Carpets need to be vacuumed regularly with cleaners to take away not only the dirt but also the moisture that seeps into the fibre and causes a musty smell. Rugs should be rolled up and wrapped properly in polyethylene sheets during the rainy season.
Ventilate your home

Make sure there is enough cross-ventilation and fresh air coming into your home, otherwise the humidity levels will lead to a general feeling of dampness.
Tiles and Roof protection

Fix loose or missing tiles and replace them to prevent leaks. Look out for cracks on the terrace floor. You may also choose to go in for a water-proof coating after the initial repairs are done to fill up the cracks or fissures in the walls and terrace floor which incidentally is the roof here. Moss and other natural debris like leaves that gets collected at the mouths of drain pipes and blocks the rainwater from draining off, should be cleaned periodically.
Electrical fittings

* Replace damaged electrical cords immediately.
* Consult your electrician or the city electricity company before making any additions or changes in the electrical supply box.
* Keep a watch on water seepage into the electrical room and the place where the generator is housed.

These tips would enable to you to spend a trouble free monsoon.

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