Monday 14 June 2010

Promoter funding - a great opportunity!

There are times when, as a promoter, you look for additional funding to expand and diversify your business and don’t know where to find it. Funding yourself using your existing stake in the company is what we suggest. With Promoter Funding you get the flexibility to use the money to improve your holdings in the company.
You can consider opting for Promoter Funding for a number of reasons like:
• Subscribing to warrants.
• Liquidity requirement for expansion & diversification of business.
• Increasing stake in your company.
• Acquisition financing.
At Karvy Private Wealth, we understand the value of your wealth and also the importance of maintaining its value over a long period of time. Our experts in the field of wealth management will not just give sound advice but also provide you efficient solutions that will help your wealth grow. So that you can concentrate on what you do best – expanding your business.
Some of the key benefits of Promoter Funding
• You don’t have to liquidate holdings to meet short-term cash requirements
• You can increase holding in the business utilizing the existing stake
• You can use liquidity to support the company’s market price
• Promoter funding provides liquidity requirement for expansion and diversification of business
• You have the flexibility of structuring your loan with respect to the tenure of loan, options to prepay and collateral requirements
• Easier and faster processing
• You get instant line of credit and interest is charged only on the amount utilized.
Depending on your need and the volume of the funding you are looking for, we at Karvy Private Wealth, analyze and suggest the type of borrowing that will suit you the best. To start with, you can get your financing in two ways – one, through institutional borrowing and the other, through HNI borrowing.

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