Wednesday 23 June 2010

Quick - Monsoon Health Tips

Here are some health tips from experts to keep you hale and hearty during the monsoon.

Stock up on food

Since gastric troubles are common, avoid eating out during the monsoon. It would be a good idea to carry to work a packet of biscuit, some fruit or healthy snacks like khakras. This can definitely help you avoid all sorts of health issues usually faced during the rains.

Mumbai-based general physician, Dr Maya Gariba, says, "Avoid eating out as far as possible and all things cold as well since you are more susceptible to the flu or the common cold. Make sure that the food you eat is warm and freshly cooked."

Delhi-based general physician Dr Sindhu Nair says, "Carry ORS (Oral rehydration solution/salts that help restoring water content in the body) with you. It instantly cures dehydration, in case you are stranded somewhere due to the rains."

Get your first-aid kit

Dr Gariba says, "It is advisable for those who suffer from asthma to carry their inhaler at all times. A paracetamol-based drug always comes in handy in case of cramps or if you suspect the flu. Heart patients should carry their medications with them as well. Sorbiprat is a drug you can stock on, as it helps in subsiding chest pain." It will be a good idea for car owners to update their medical kit as, road accidents tend to rise this season.

Sanitise, sanitise, sanitise!

Germs and bacteria are out on the prowl, so you need to be doubly careful. Therefore, sanitise, sanitise, sanitise!

Keep a hand sanitiser handy at all times. It is advisable to wash your hands every time you come in from the rains, before and after meals. It will keep several infections at bay.

Try dry therapy

Getting wet in the rain is fun. However, you should not stay wet for a long time as you could fall sick. Leg cramps, flu and fever are a few things you could suffer from, if you don't take enough care.

"Hot water bags, a good massage and vitamin D and calcium supplements are a good remedy for leg cramps," Dr Nair says.

Protect yourself from the rains with a good umbrella or a raincoat. For those who commute long distances, it's a good idea to keep a pair of spare clothes at your work place. You can change into them on a wet day. Carrying a large napkin in your bag is a good idea too.

Happy feet, a must!

Our feet get battered the most during the rainy season with the rainwater, dirt and muck. As a result, we tend to get fungal infections. Hence, it's important to take more care of your feet. Invest in a good pair of rainy shoes.

Dr Nair says, "Wear closed shoes to protect your feet. Gum boots are the best option as they keep your feet clean and dry."

Each time you come in from the rain, wash your feet and wipe them dry. Keep a pair of sandals at work and change into them when you come in. Follow these tips and have a healthy monsoon.

However, it would be better to take a rain check before you venture out. Stay indoors if it's pouring cats and dogs.

Photo : Google

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