Monday 26 April 2010

Need of Wealth Review and Investment Strategy service

Your Wealth is the key to fulfilling your goals. Reviewing your wealth is very important in life. For every goal to be achieved there has to be a plan in place. Wealth Review is the first step in the formulation of that plan.

It is a four-step process wherein the following assets classes are reviewed which are mainly Equities, debt, Alternative Assets, PE/VC, Real Estate, cash, International Investments and. And then according to your risk profile and appetite an Investment strategy is created. Karvy Private Wealth is your ideal partner in reviewing your Wealth and achieving your financial goals.

This exercise helps us to assess your current position and helps us in chalking out a clear path for future.

Reviewing your Wealth at least once a year is essential and is truly important in today’s volatile markets.

‘Wealth Review and Investment strategy’ gives your Investments and portfolio an upper edge.

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