There is a general belief today that a high income is the key to wealth accumulation. This has drawn individuals with high-income into a false sense of security in believing that they don’t really need financial planning as they are wealthy. On the other hand, people from the middle-income group tend to stay away from financial planning on the assumption that it is only for the rich.
In today’s uncertain world managing and planning your finances is very important. Regardless of your income, we at Karvy Private Wealth strongly believe that only a formal Comprehensive financial planning exercise will help you reach your financial goals comfortably. The key aspects of Comprehensive Financial Planning include risk management, goal-setting, asset allocation and retirement planning.
Also in todays fast – changing world, your plans may become obsolete if not updated regularly. Therefore we recommend that you should review your financial situation at least once in a year so that you don’t miss on taking the benefits of changing investment opportunities.
Often enough, it is not the plan that matters but the very process of planning itself!
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