It’s a popular belief that equities as an asset class have always given best returns to the investors in the long term. Karvy Private Wealth will help you balance the unpredictability in the market with the attractive returns it gives through our in-depth knowledge of market functioning and changing trends. With Karvy Private Wealth you get the option of either purchasing equities to build your portfolio or avail of our comprehensive trading solutions in the cash and F&O segment with an online and offline facility.
Our equity investment strategies are derived from a broad understanding of your profile and risk return expectations. Backed soundly by in depth research our experienced team of research analysts and advisors will guide you with appropriate customized solutions. Moreover we will constantly monitor your portfolios and suggest portfolio rebalancing based on not just the quality of stocks but also on your risk appetite.
Listed below are the services we that offer:
1) Research – The reports that we publish on regular basis are:
a) Daily technical report
b) Fundamental research report
c) Trading calls
d) Weekly market outlook
e) Weekly daily reports
f) Results preview and Result analysis, and
g) View on the economy.
2) Portfolio clean-up: Karvy Private Wealth offers you a comprehensive evaluation and clean-up of your existing equity portfolio.
3) Portfolio Management Services (PMS): Investing can be time-consuming and requires in-depth knowledge of industry with a constant watch on market. Karvy Private Wealth’s ‘Portfolio Management Service’ is the answer to those who need an expert to help manage their investments.
We tailor your portfolio after a thorough research backed by the expertise of our PMS team. If the amount of your investment is large we can also choose to go for our NDPMS i.e. Non discretionary PMS.
4) Margin Funding – Through margin funding an investor can apply for a larger number of shares by leveraging the funds that he or she has a margin with any of the institutions offering margin funding for IPOs.
5) Futures and Options trading – With futures trading you can customize your risk return strategies and benefit from more specific market views. Through options trading you can buy or sell the underlying security at a predetermined expiry date in future.
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